Municipal rules related to housing construction and important technicalities in building a house

Municipal rules related to housing construction and important technicalities in building a house

1. A residential building should not cover more than 2/3 of the land on which it will be constructed. (For industrial and commercial buildings this ratio is 4/5.)

This means that the size of the ground floor of the building should be less than 2/3 of the area of ​​the land on which it will be constructed.

2. One residential building unit should not exceed 3000 square feet.

The total floor area of ​​your building (sum of all floors should be less than 3000 sq. Ft.

3. The area of ​​the room should not be less than 90 square feet except kitchens / storage rooms / bathrooms / garages / open porches / barns

The minimum floor area for the kitchen is 60 square feet. The minimum width of a bathroom is also considered to be 23/4 feet (0.9 m).

4. A residential unit must have at least one bedroom not less than 120 square feet.

5. The minimum width of a room should not be less than 8 feet.

6. The average height from ground level should be 9 feet and not less than 7 feet.

7. Any room built for human habitation should have windows that can be opened to an open hall or outside (standard light plane) with an area of ​​not less than 1/7 of the floor area.

Also, if there are doors that open to the outside environment, the area of ​​the windows can be reduced to 1/15 of the floor area by keeping the total area of ​​both the door + windows above 1/7 of the floor area. When a porch has a short ledge / handle more than 3 feet in full length, it is not considered an open porch. This value is 1/10 for toilets and garages.

8. There should be no obstruction up to 71/2 feet from the front of an open window or door used to receive light. (Standard light plane)

To provide light / ventilation to a house, windows or doors should be located at a minimum distance of 71/2 feet from the nearest fence or building. Anything less than that is not considered a light and ventilator.

9. A space of 10 feet should be set aside at the back of the building up to the boundary of the land. This space is reserved for firefighting and no permanent building other than a temporary structure such as a wood shed can be constructed here. However, in terms of Article 26 of Regulation Gazette Notification No. 392/9 of March 10, 1986, this open space of 10 feet (3 m) can be reduced to 2.25 m when the proposed building is confined to the ground floor and one other floor only.

10. The minimum possible distance between a well and a toilet pit is 50 feet.

This applies to your garden as well as the distance from your well / toilet to the neighbor's well / toilet.

11. For buildings over 2000 sq. Ft., A minimum of 8’x16 ’of space per 2,000 sq. Ft. Shall be provided as parking facilities.
